Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Seronok sesekali dapat Mengajar

Tadi kol 5pm - 7pm kelas application digital system untuk student Mekanikal..
Actually student Mekanikal tak didedahkan sangat ngan subjek Elektronik ni..So, ramai la tadi student yang blur..
So, pengajar kena terangkan dari mula apa tu board,fungsinya,connection & sebagainya..
Saya ni membantu jew..
Tapi alhamdulillah sgt2..ngan training yang saya ikuti & sedikit study..saya dapat membantu student dalam membuat litar untuk lab 1..iaitu litar untuk AND,OR,AND/OR GATE..
Subjek ni dah lama saya tinggalkan..Masa sijil kat Poli PD...Masa tu tahun 2000..
Student tadi dalam 36 orang..2 pengajar & saya sebagai pembantu..Itu pun tak cukup tangan nak membantu student..terlajak ke 7.30pm..sebab masih ada yang belum dapat pick up lagi tentang sambungan litar yang betul..
Masih ada 5 lab lagi..Banyak lagi mereka perlu belajar..
Macam tadi untuk lab 1..adalah hanya asas jew..
Dari menggunakan 1 suis ke 2 suis..menggunakan 1 LED..1 Perintang..Jika LED menyala, bermakna sambungan litar betul.
Naik pening juga sebab banyak dok tengok litar..sebab banyak student yang tak faham..kaki ni sakit gak sebab kejap ke depan, kejap ke belakang..student panggil..Pakai lak high heels..

Ni kelas kedua saya selepas semester bermula.Kelas pertama semalam..Just tengok student gunakan equipment jew..

Hope dapat membantu student & pengajar..bila dah fokus pada membantu student ni..dapat lupakan seseorang tu..

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Part 2 for Digital Electronics & Application


  • To get familiar with logic gate IC.
  • To analyze/see the relation between voltage level and logic level.
  • To contruct a simple combinational logic circuits.
Boolean algebra is the mathematical foundation of digital systems.In Boolean algebra there are three basic operations : OR, AND and NOT which can represent the three basic loic gates: OR,AND and Inventer gates respectively. In the other words, every Boolean expression has an equivalent gate description, and vice versa.The combination of logic gates is called as combinational logic circuit.

The Procedure :
Drawing use Autocad..

Must know simplify the Boolean expression.

Must know draw a logic circuit.

The correct circuit which we can get the desired output

New Subject - Introduction to Digital Electronics

Digital circuits are often refferred to as switching circuits because their control devices (e.g.diodes and transistors) are switched between the two extremes of ON and OFF.
Logic gates have one or more inputs with one output.They respond to various input combinations.A truth table shows this realationship between circuit`s input combinations and its output...

In digital system, te ON and OFF state can be represented as logic 1 and 0 respectively.For TTL circuits (74xx series), a logic 0 can be anywhere from 0V to +0.8V, and a logic 1 is in te range of +2.0V to +5.0V.Voltage between 0.8 and 2V are underfined (neither 0 or 1) and under normal circumstances should not occur.

For procedure...

Must be understand how to complete the truth table and define the gate for :

  1. AND Gate
  2. OR Gate
  3. Logic Gates (74xx-series)

For the result...cannot to public at here..For safety because more Unimap student at my blog (life must go on)..sorry dear..but I know the result for teory..and for practical..I still study and now..50% I know... ;) So, to all student..if u wanna be know very well about this..u must study hard very smart k...

~ Tanpa Usaha, Mimpi Takkan Jadi Kenyataan ~

Ini pun untuk diri saya...Don`t give up..

Apa2 dugaan datang, anggap itu adalah Allah s.w.t sentiasa ingat & sayangkan kita k..

So,we must always remember Allah s.w.t..dengan sentiasa melakukan amalan padaNya & dont ever2 buat yang dilarangNya k...

Although my backround is Mechanical..I wanna n I must know this subject (Mechatronic subject)...Caiyo2!